Place of business 01SAMWOOECO
- Head office 969.29㎡ Air knife shop area 834.7㎡
- Manufact-uring area 4927.8㎡ B/C Molding plant area 228㎡
- Production area 1986.84㎡ Etc 1057.01㎡
- Total of building 10,364.84㎡ Total of site 25,240.54㎡
- Coating area 361.2㎡
Place of business 02Chungnam Branch
- Site 6,843㎡
- Building 3,315㎡
Company IntroductionLocation
- Address 117, Chonamgongdan-Gil, Gwangyang-Eub, Gwangyang-City, Jeonnam, South Korea
- Tel +82-61) 763-7770
- Fax +82-61)763-7771~2
- E-mail em7688@samwooeco.co.kr / samwoo.gsales@gmail.com